Stefan Nussbaumer


"Philae" - gewidmet einem kleinen, stinkenden Kometen und seinem
(irdischen) Huckepack-Begleiter auf seinem Weg durch die Weiten des Alls...

Stefan Nussbaumer is an interdisciplinary artist, living in Vienna, Austria. Though his origins lie within fine arts (he has graduated as a painter at Vienna's Hochschule für angewandte Kunst) he has as well become a musician, programmer, designer, teacher and researcher over the years.

Along with his visual work, Stefan Nussbaumer has developed a close relationship to music and sound in particular within an improvisatory practice. In his current work he is exploring the manifold relationships between visual expression and acoustics, in their philosophical, aesthetic aspects as well as their technical and practical possibilities.

Since about ten years he is mainly working with the computer, writing his own software in an environment called SuperCollider. Aside from that he is working on mobile based control software that uses a telephone camera's video-input to control the sound-program running on the computer. In practice this means the music is formed into an infusible entity with the artist's visual expression, a score is being produced and played at the same time.

What does a visual figure mean? What does an acoustic figure sound like?







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